When operating a crane, one of the most important things a crane operator needs to do is limit crane swing. Crane swing takes place when a crane gets moving in one direction too quickly and momentum forces it to rock back and forth. It can create a very dangerous situation on a worksite. Take a look at some important tips for preventing crane swing.
Avoid pushing down on the throttle too hard in any direction.
Whenever you’re using a crane, it’s important for you to make slow, steady movements. If you suddenly press the throttle and move the crane quickly in one direction, you are setting yourself up for failure. Instead, you should push down on the throttle very slowly and take your time. Even if crane swing happens when you’re moving slowly, it won’t be anywhere near as bad as it would be if you were moving too fast.
Know how to stop crane swing from happening.
You’re inevitably going to have to deal with crane swing at some time or another, regardless of how careful you are. You should familiarize yourself with how to stop it. In some cases, you can do it by gradually pulling your throttle in the opposite direction of the way your crane is swinging. In others, moving your boom up and down repeatedly will steady the crane. The key is to counteract the motion of your crane to get it to stop.
Install a crane swing control unit.
If you are still experiencing crane swing no matter how hard you try to stop it, there are crane swing control units you can install on your crane. These units are designed to limit crane swing and stop it from affecting your projects.
Need more tips for dealing with crane swing? Astro Crane can help. Call us at 978-429-8666 today for all of your crane hoisting and rigging services.