Using a crane to do construction can make certain jobs significantly easier, but if you are not careful, you can do serious damage when you take the controls of one. In order to avoid major accidents, crane operators need to be aware of all of their surroundings at all times, and they need to look out for hazards in the area during crane operation. One of the most dangerous hazards you will need to deal with when using a crane is power lines overhead.
Power lines are used to transport electricity, and by simply brushing up against a live wire with a crane, a crane operator can cause an electrocution to take place or even start a fire. Crane operators must be very mindful of wires before they start their cranes up. By avoiding them at all costs, crane operators can reduce the risks associated with them and prevent fires from taking place on job sites.
Prior to the start of a construction project that involves the use of a crane, you should survey a site and locate any overhead wires that could complicate the operation. The crane should be placed a safe distance away from wires. While a crane is being used, a crane operator should also work closely with a spotter who is in charge of keeping a close eye on power lines. If an operator comes even remotely close to wires, the spotter should alert the operator immediately so that the crane does not come into contact with them. In the event that a crane does touch a power line, workers in the area should be evacuated right away. Additionally, the local power company should be contacted so that they can send someone out immediately to inspect the potential damage done to wires before any work resumes.
Do you need to get access to a crane for a worksite? To find out how to obtain one and to learn more about crane safety as it pertains to power lines, call Astro Crane at 800-696-2787 today.