Category: Projects

Don’t Overlook These Facts When Renting a Crane

So you’re thinking about renting a crane from a company like Astro Crane… while this is a good idea because it can save you time and money, it’s also something to give some thought to, and there are things to consider before signing a contract. There Are Crane Rentals Available for a Wide Variety of… Read more »

A Look at the Process of Selecting the Right Crane Rental Company

Crane Operator

So you need a crane. You could buy one. Or, better yet, you could rent one. That way you don’t have to pay so much money, and you don’t need to store it, fix it, etc. How can you choose the right crane rental company? Obviously, you want to work with a crane rental company… Read more »

Here Are The Benefits of Partnering With a Crane Rental Company

Why work with a crane rental company? When you rent a crane you don’t have to buy it. Obviously, this saves you a lot of money. Why buy an expensive crane that could cost up to $3 million that you only need for a few days out of the year when you can rent it… Read more »

Top Reasons to Rent a Construction Crane

Construction Crane Rental Companies

If it seems like you’re always using a crane on your construction projects, it may be tempting to consider purchasing or leasing one rather than renting them all the time. However, more often than not, that turns out to not be the best of course of action for construction companies. Here’s why. Renting Cranes Saves… Read more »

Crane Rigging Basics

Crane supervisor watching a lift

For many years, Astro Crane has helped construction sites by providing crane rigging services in the New England area. Undoubtedly, if your construction site needs crane rigging performed, it’s essential you know the basics and select the right help to help you with the job. Here’s what you should know. Knowledge Is Key When managing… Read more »

Here’s How You Can Avoid Major Crane Hazards

Construction Crane Safety Hazards

Cranes are among the most important pieces of equipment on a construction site. In fact, there are many sites that wouldn’t be able to operate normally without them. Nonetheless, cranes can also be some of the most dangerous pieces of equipment on a construction site if you’re not careful while using them. It seems like… Read more »

Remember These Things When Planning Your Crane Setup

Tower Crane Setups

Before you start using a crane on your job site, it’s important for you to take the time to set it up properly. If you don’t take certain precautions, your crane could end up becoming unstable on your site, and it could lead to an accident. Let’s take a look at a few of the… Read more »

Crane Constructing NYC Ferris Wheel

Black and White Picture with Cranes, Boat and Ferris Wheel

Back in 2012, Mayor Michael Bloomberg revealed a plan to construct a Ferris wheel on the North Shore of Staten Island called the “New York Wheel.” Now, as of 2017, the massive wheel is currently under construction with cranes working tirelessly to construct it. Before revealing the height of the wheel, you should probably know… Read more »

Cities that Saw a 2016 Construction Boom

Throughout 2016, our blog focused on different cities that experienced construction booms. Many United States cities, such as Seattle and Boston, saw a surplus of cranes and construction. The “Construction Boom of 2016” is expected to continue strong through 2017, in fact, Seattle already has a significant amount of cranes at work.   What cities… Read more »

What Causes Some Construction Projects to Fail?

Why do some construction projects fail while others are successful to completion? There are several reasons. Generally, construction projects need great leaders who lead the crew to get the job done on time, safely, and with excellence. If a crew doesn’t know what to do and when to do it because no one seems to… Read more »