The Differences Between Mobile and Fixed Cranes

Searching for a crane to use on your next construction project? You’re going to have the option to bring either a mobile or a fixed crane onto your worksite. Mobile cranes are obviously the easier option since they’re simple to set up and remove once you’re done. But fixed cranes might be a better choice… Read more »

A Crane Operator Wears Many (Hard) Hats

What is the life of a crane operator like? That’s a good question. Keep in mind there are different types of cranes, such as tower cranes and mobile cranes, so there can be some variety when it comes to the type of crane being operated– but, in general, no matter what kind of crane, a… Read more »

Avoid These Common Construction Crane Issues

What are some common issues with construction cranes? There are several issues you might encounter. Alignment and Crane Skew Issues First, consider alignment and crane skew issues. Basically, the crane is supposed to track properly but it doesn’t and this could be due to stress or damage. When this happens, expect accidents, derailments, crane failures,… Read more »

Making Sure a Construction Crane is Safe to Use

Cranes are machines that have the power to kill people if used improperly. They can also destroy property, and if a crane isn’t safe to use, it shouldn’t be used. That said, sometimes crane operators make mistakes and their cranes are not safe– and that can cost companies millions of dollars to make up for… Read more »

Cranes vs Derricks

Most people have heard of cranes but not too many people are familiar with derricks. Both are used to lift and move heavy items, and while they’re similar, they’re also different. An Overview of Cranes and Derricks So what’s a good definition of both a crane and a derrick in order to differentiate between the… Read more »

The Evolution of Construction Cranes

Most tall buildings built today have cranes to thank! Construction cranes allow city skylines to grow taller. If we didn’t have cranes, New York City, for instance, would look a lot different– a lot “lower to the ground,” for sure. In many ways, cranes are the backbone of the construction world. Advances in Construction Crane… Read more »

Precautions to Take When Operating a Construction Crane

Operating a crane is a big deal– if it’s not done properly and safely, it could result in someone losing their life. It could also result in expensive damages to whatever is around it. Think about this: a crane has the ability to lift an item that weighs thousands of pounds– thousands! And it lifts… Read more »

Why Crane Operators Are Highly Valued in the Marketplace

Crane operators make good money. Their job is challenging but doesn’t require years of advanced study. So how does a person become a crane operator? The Process of Becoming a Professional Crane Operator Typically, a young person graduates high school, takes some trade school courses and then completes general crane operator training followed by an… Read more »

The Process of Crane Rigging

When a load is live and under a hook, it has been lifted thanks to crane rigging, which requires a combination of math, geoengineering and mechanical information in order to get it right and prevent accidents. Shapes, weights and riggings may vary, but one thing’s for sure: riggers need to know about lifting requirements and… Read more »

Using Construction Cranes in Bad Weather

Have you heard of the term “weathervaning” as it relates to cranes? If you were in a major city where a tower crane was spinning around thanks to powerful winds, that’s weathervaning. Now most people would assume that a tall crane like that, spinning around in the wind, wouldn’t be safe or normal, but it… Read more »