The Tradition of Crane Christmas Trees

The holiday season is full of sparkling lights and towering trees. In fact, you’ve probably noticed trees on top of construction cranes throughout the year. Christmas trees and construction cranes have a lot of history. If you have glanced up at a crane and you have thought Christmas tree teetering off the edge, you are… Read more »

Cranes at Work in the Rainforest

When most people picture a construction crane, they often picture bustling cities and crowded skylines. Cranes are typically found in crowded cities hard at work on buildings or bridges. Most of us would never associate a construction cranes with the “great outdoors,” but cranes are serving a purpose in nature in a very important way…. Read more »

Preventing Crane Accidents

In recent months, cranes have been featured on the news multiple times for tipping over. Cranes are a large piece of machinery that must be handled with care and knowledgeable workers. Unfortunately, crane accidents do happen and it is vital that we understand how to manage the cranes we are using in order to avoid… Read more »

Handling Cranes in Windy Cities

Chicago has been getting some attention for their cranes in recent months. Chicago now has the highest number of cranes it has had in eight years. The cranes scattered around downtown Chicago are hard to miss. Thirty-three cranes are busy putting up high-rise buildings and others are waiting for permits to get started on certain… Read more »

How Cold Weather Affects Crane Operations

As the weather grows cooler here in the New England area, we at Astro Crane would like to draw attention to crane safety; specifically cold weather safety. Of course, the brisk fall and winter weather this area experiences makes every construction job more difficult, but it especially puts a strain on the operation of major… Read more »

Wakeboarders and Cranes Become One

A massive harbor crane was recently the star of an insanely intense wakeboarding show. Wakeboarders Dominik Gührs, Felix Georgii, and Dominik Hernle teamed up with Red Bull to wakeboard using a crane referred to as the “Wake Crane Project.”  We have one suggestion: Don’t try this at home.  (Although in reality, you never could!) The… Read more »

Seattle Skyline Scattered with Construction Cranes

During construction in major cities, you can usually glance up and see cranes hard at work. In recent months, Seattle’s skyline has been packed with cranes.  There are so many cranes throughout the city of Seattle that they seem to be part of the landscape, dangling hundreds of feet above the streets. Seattle is working… Read more »

Cranes Could Send Aid to Syrian Refugees

Cranes can be used for multiple purposes. Over the years, cranes have been used for festivals, for automobile shops, and construction zones. The country of Jordan in the Middle East could be using a crane to provide supplies to Syrian refugees that are currently camped outside the boarder of Jordan. However, United Nations does not… Read more »

Cranes Gain Popularity in the Fall for Pumpkin Festivities

The fall is filled with colorful leaves, scents of cinnamon, and an abundance of red apples. The great outdoors get that much greater when the temperatures drop. What people don’t know is that cranes are a vital part of autumn festivities. In the fall, cranes are responsible for dropping giant pumpkins from hundreds of feet… Read more »

Construction In Massachusetts Is On The Rise

When projects are not being drawn up and structures are not being be built, construction jobs are hit the hardest, with thousands of laid off workers. Six years ago, Massachusetts suffered a similar predicament. Now, according to Greg Beeman, president and chief executive of the state chapter of the Associated Builders and Contractors Inc., there… Read more »