What Are Some of the Causes of Construction Crane Accidents?

When using a construction crane, you should take all of the proper precautions in order to avoid accidents from occurring. This means inspecting your crane regularly and maintaining it so that you don’t run into any unforeseen problems. However, unfortunately, no matter how hard you try to avoid them, accidents will still take place from… Read more »

Chicago Continues to Set Crane Records

Back in 2010, there were only 12 tower cranes erected in the entire city of Chicago. There weren’t a lot of new buildings going up, and the expansion of the city seemed to be at a complete standstill. A lot of it had to do with the recent recession and the roll back in spending… Read more »

Is This The Future For Construction Cranes?

Cranes are incredibly useful tools for anyone in the construction industry. However, one of the biggest problems people have with them is that they require constant inspection and maintenance to keep them working efficiently and safely. Crane operators have to monitor their cranes at all times and check on them before and after using them… Read more »

How Do Cranes Rise Atop the World’s Tallest Skyscraper?

If you’ve ever looked at a skyscraper as it’s being built, you’ve probably wondered how in the world the contractors working on it managed to get a crane on top of the building. Tall skyscrapers can be hundreds and, in some cases, even thousands of feet high, so how the heck do they manage to… Read more »

Training Trends in the Crane Industry

Training has always been of the utmost importance in the crane industry. Cranes are heavy-duty pieces of equipment that can cause a lot of damage and injuries if they aren’t used properly. Therefore, before a person is allowed to operate a crane, he or she is required to undergo a lot of training. That training… Read more »

What Responsibilities Do Crane Owners Have?

Undoubtedly, you need to be incredibly responsible when using a crane. A crane is a piece of heavy-duty equipment in and to itself, and when you combine the weight of it with the weight of the items that you will pick up with the crane, you can imagine how dangerous it can be if you… Read more »

Which Construction Crane Do You Need?

Cranes can play a very important role in finishing a construction project. However, before you bring a crane onto a job site, you need to learn about the different types of construction cranes and choose the one that will ultimately be the most beneficial to you. Each type of crane is designed to perform a… Read more »

Things Crane Operators Should Consider Before Lifting

Most of the crane accidents that take place in the U.S. every year are completely preventable. They typically happen because a crane operator forgets to check on equipment before conducting a lift or because the operator conducts the lift too quickly without taking the proper safety precautions. Therefore, if you are still new to operating… Read more »

The Process of Becoming a Professional Crane Operator

Does the idea of controlling a crane sound appealing to you? If so, there are plenty of companies looking for professional crane operators right now. But before you land a job working on a crane, you are going to need to follow a few steps. Take a look at how you can turn yourself into… Read more »

The Process of Raising and Lowering a Construction Crane

Have you ever looked up at the top of a tall building with a crane on it and wondered how it got there? Or better yet, have you ever wondered how in the world the contractors in charge of using the crane plan on getting it down from the top of the building once they… Read more »